Monday, March 29, 2010

A Perfect Ending to a Great Trip

We were shown so much love... Cole was BEYOND spoiled... Not enough words to express our gratitude... We are so lucky to have such amazing friends/family!

Ten Days in Illinois/Wisconsin

Last year when Tom mentioned his desire to attend a 5-day bachelor party in Tahoe (yes, FIVE days. Men apparently don't just hit a few bars anymore!), I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to introduce Baby Zanetti to our friends/family in the Midwest. Good thing Grandma & Grandpa L were willing to have us!

Tom dropped us off at the airport on Thursday morning. I was a bit nervous about going through security alone but everyone was very patient and kind. Boarding the plane was another story! Everyone looked down at their laps when they saw us boarding... I ended up snagging an aisle seat and the woman near the window did not seem too pleased! Fed Cole while we were going up... Fed Cole while we were going down... Not a peep! The woman near the window ended up praising me on my "remarkable child" and how I must be doing a "fine job as a mother." Ha! Little does she know...

On our way up to Wisconsin on Friday morning, we stopped at my friend Shaina's house in Waunakee. Her daughter is 15 months old and absolutely adorable! When Cole started crying, Aurelia handed me a pink plastic box. I opened it for her and it was a doctor's kit! She picked up the plastic band-aid cuff and took it over to Cole... So sweet that she thought he was hurt and wanted to help! We couldn't stay long, but Shaina, Nate and Aurelia will be visiting San Diego in two weeks and we can't wait to show them around!

Next stop, my cousin's farm house. Cole got to meet his cousins Jada, Aliya and Moses. It was my first time meeting Aliya too! All three are SO cute and I'm so happy I got to see them and their beautiful home.

On Saturday, Uncle Tim and Aunt Jackie hosted a party at their house so everyone could meet Cole. It was so sweet of them to think of us and open their home to all the Lundquist aunts, uncles and cousins. I was thrilled Corinna, Adrianna, Lorelai and Virginia were there so I could finally meet them- Sarah and Johan's little one decided to come AFTER the party, but I forgive her. Can't wait to meet little Isabella Jo during our next trip to Wisconsin!

On the way back to Illinois we stopped at Aunt Karen's house!

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were filled with visits with Grandma Joan, Grandma Jeanne, the McGinn crew (except Gavin and Kare because they were in Florida for Spring Break), and the entire Nelson family.

Tom arrived on Thursday just in time for Grandma's birthday.

Friday evening we met up with the Williamsen/Meyer family for pizza in Oak Brook - Carson and Logan were so sweet and gentle with Cole!

With such a jam-packed week, the weekend popped up before we knew it! be continued...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Day Attire

Evening Attire (courtesy of Grandma & Grandpa L) - We met up with Uncle Mike & Aunt Sarah at a local bar/restaurant to celebrate. Yet another evening of good food and lots of laughs!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

San Diego Zoo

It was a beautiful day on Sunday so we took Cole to the zoo for the first time!

He's going to hate us when he's older...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Iams Baby

My baby smells like dog food and I don't care. Never thought you'd hear that coming out of my mouth, did ya? Me neither.

Alimentum is great so far- Cole spits up when we burp him and two to three times after a little bit of time passes. You know, kind of like other babies... This morning we were able to go out to lunch and walk around the Little Italy farmer's market and Balboa Park like a normal family. Downside - I nearly hurl simply opening the lid to prep his bottles. And his breath? The spit-up? If a tiny drop of formula hits his bib?! GAG! It's HORRIBLE. Best part is we will be paying a CRAZY amount of money for this new and delightful aroma.

So, please know if you hold him and smell something beyond gross... If you walk into our house and think you're in a dog food factory... It's the formula. We bathe him regularly, I promise.

Good thing our little Fido is pretty darn cute.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Two Months

Cole's two month appointment was yesterday morning. He is now 11lbs 7.5oz and 23.75 inches long.

First thing on our list to discuss with the pediatrician was the spit-up issue. We have tried everything under the sun to make it go away. Having feedings last twenty minutes... Having feedings last sixty minutes... Burping... Not burping... Sitting up for twenty minutes afterwards... Sitting up for sixty minutes afterwards... Breast milk... Formula... Doesn't matter. We'll sometimes wait two hours after a feeding to try and leave the house but the minute he's in the car seat... BAM! New bib and outfit needed. Doesn't help that "GAH!" is no longer a warning sign! The kid just goes quiet! It's not fun feeling house-bound! We decided to try a few types of Similac formulas intended for babies with digestion issues:

Round I: R.S. (rice starch) - Supposed to "reduce the frequency of spit-up by 54%." Our child apparently doesn't play by the rules. Biggest problem? Brown Formula = Brown Spit-Up. Brown Spit-Up = Brown Stains (on all our clothes, his clothes and our couch). Cool. NEXT!

Round II: Sensitive - Seriously, Similac? Might want to change the name of that one! Our usual happy, fun-loving baby turned into a fussy, crying mess. (Sorry neighbors for that 5am screaming spell that one morning... At least you got to work early that day, right?!). He was also spitting up 15-20 times after each feeding. Shelved that one after two days!

When we explained all of this to his doctor, she mentioned he may be allergic to the protein in cow's milk and gave us samples of Similac Alimentum. I really appreciated her taking the time to listen to our concerns and do her best to figure out if something is wrong. She was pretty high on my list until she called in the nurse to give him his vaccines! The oral one was a breeze... Chunky Monkey sucked that one down like it was candy. The nurse then asked one of us to hold him down for the three shots in his legs. Not it! (I clearly couldn't do it standing across the room with my eyes closed). Tom was pumped when Cole didn't cry when the first needle hit his leg, but two seconds later? Wow. I'm betting people heard him in the parking lot! Apparently his face turned purple... Tom had to comfort both of us after that saga! And what makes us feel better?! FOOD! My tears dried up pretty quickly thinking about a Whopper Jr, no mayo/no onion! For Cole we popped that first can of Alimentum open right then and there. First feeding, one little dribble. I ran all over town with the kid! Sunshine? Errands?! WOHOO! And yes, I did hit the Burger King drive-thru... :)

Other than that, we've hit some other milestones at two months! He's okay with baths and having his shirt off now... Still no crib, but we'll get there! He started smiling at us about two weeks ago. I'll get some out of him, but the minute Tom comes home from work he is SO happy. He'll smile and chat with him until it's bedtime. I'm just good for snuggling. If Tom tries to put him on his chest, he thinks he needs to work on his neck muscles and won't relax! It's amazing how alert he is now and he comes up with new "words" each day. He loves car rides and stares out the window for a good ten minutes before he passes out. Fingers crossed that continues so we can plan some road trips!!

Our photo shoot from the 27th:
(The blanket was pulled in after a major eruption...)