Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Four Months

Cole is now 14lbs 1.8oz and 25.75 inches. Long and lean! He was quite the trooper at his appointment - Another round of vaccinations, but a bottle stopped the tears after a few seconds.

Cole is such a joy and keeps us laughing on a daily basis. He growls now and shoves EVERYTHING in his mouth. If you have his bottle, he'll grab your fingers and force the bottle closer. Our favorite is when he fake coughs to get us into his nursery after we've put him to bed - The minute you walk in, his eyes light up and he smiles knowing he got us once again!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bucket List

I decided to create a Bucket List for my first New Years Eve in San Diego. (We all know there's only so many days I'll actually work out and eat right, no matter how many resolutions I make!). I've scratched things off the list but I'm constantly adding new things - a safari in Africa, buy Tom a Guinness in Ireland, see polar bears in Alaska before it's too late... Hidden between the travels and new experiences, I've sprinkled in "must see before I die" musicians. Several have been crossed off - R.E.M., George Strait, Dixie Chicks, Tim McGraw, Madonna... And thanks to Grandma Lundquist, Keith Urban!

My mom flew out on Thursday evening so Tom and I could head to Stagecoach. Stagecoach is a huge country festival in the desert that we went to last year for the first time - I go for the country music, Tom goes for the beer/camping :) I was reluctant to leave the little one, but I think it's so important for him to learn independence and spend time with friends/family. Might have been a bit early for him to learn anything, but Tom and I need our time too! We were gone for 24 hours... but in that 24 hours I got to spend much needed time with friends, dance to Sugarland and Keith, and SLEEP! That's right, I was pumped about the full night of sleep even before we left. Nothing like leaving the baby to have fun with friends and hitting bed early! The minute the concerts ended I headed straight to the tent. My first full night since I was 8 months pregnant. Heaven.

Grandma and my rapidly balding child

Still on the list:
  • BON JOVI!!!!
  • The Eagles
  • Justin Timberlake (I know, I'll be the only one over 15... I can't help it)
  • Billy Joel
  • Elton John (I'm not really sure why... Think I just want to hear Tiny Dancer and then I'll leave. Not sure that is worth the $150+ ticket!)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Walk in the Park

An amazing Foundation decided to preserve and renovate the former Naval Training Center located in Point Loma, a beautiful area near our home. Shops and restaurants have been filling the historic buildings for a few years (making my LEED certified husband very happy). Several weeks ago the tape finally came down around the new park. Today we picked up some sandwiches and took Cole for a walk... Think we'll be doing this just about every weekend this summer!

Afterwards we met the Welch's in Coronado for a tour of Hotel Del and a good-bye dinner. We hope they visit every year!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fun with the Welch Family

It was so great having Shaina, Nate and Aurelia in town from Wisconsin! Yesterday they spent all day at Seaworld and met us in Old Town for dinner. Aurelia was too cute wanting to hold my finger as we walked around-

This morning Tom and Nate went kayaking in La Jolla Cove. You'll notice those that stayed on the beach were bundled up... Think it was 65? We're wimps.

After the beach we hit the zoo...

And topped it off with dinner in Little Italy! Hope you had a great day, Nate - Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Lazy Saturday...

Watching Syracuse Lacrosse with Dad...

Thirty minutes later...

He clearly had a rough day.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

We were invited to Aunt Sarah's coworker's house for a potluck - My favorite part was watching the kids run around the yard collecting eggs.

Elbows out!

When we returned home, we found the Easter Bunny had finally made it to the west coast!

Cole also scored new wheels from Grandma & Grandpa L.

We ended the evening by coloring eggs! (I'm clearly a professional...)

Hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with your friends and family!

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Cole with Hank the Hedgehog
(everything goes in his mouth at this point)

As far as he gets! Any day now...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Three Months

We can't believe Cole is three months old already - Time is flying!
  • He found his hands a few weeks ago... Still no thumb success because his pesky index finger gets in the way. He tends to gag himself if he tries too hard, so we have to help him out by removing his hand from his mouth :)

  • We caught him staring at his feet a couple times, but has yet to grab them.

  • Pretty good with keeping his head/neck sturdy. Gets a little wobbly if he's tired.

  • Still discovering new words - He gets a little loud when he's excited and smiles when we shush him.

  • LOVES when we stand him up. We don't do anything but help him balance... All the weight is on his legs!

  • Been sleeping in his crib since we returned from Chicago. Apparently all we had to do is buy him a sleep-wedge. (Sorry for the delay, Bub!)

  • We are so lucky with how laid-back he is. We can take him anywhere and he doesn't fuss much... Maybe 50(?) people held him this past week and he was great! Recently he even went two days without crying! Just have to time his feedings right and listen for his cranky 'words' warning us it's bedtime.

  • Worst milestones? DROOL 24-7 and he's going bald. Just on one side. We're going to have to go with the comb-over rather than the mohawk next week!

I need to work on the focus/lighting next month!