Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

Nine Months

18lbs 14.4oz and 28.5 inches long - Still long and lean with an even BIGGER head. Up to the 96 percentile! We really hoped he'd grow into it a tad, but no such luck :)

  • 4th & 5th teeth - 9/11 (VERY interesting two weeks for those to pop!)
  • 6th tooth - 9/23
  • No longer will eat baby food. Keeps his lips tight and won't budge when we bring the spoon right up to his lips... Even when we try all the things that make him laugh! The pediatrician gave us a list of things that he can eat now and 3/4 of the list he won't eat - Cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream (I know, what is wrong with him?!), oranges, peaches, pears, noodles... Leaves us with a pretty limited list. Good thing he has all those teeth and has mastered chewing. Chicken, turkey, mashed potatoes (only from certain places), toast, scrambled eggs and rice pilaf/rice-a-roni are quickly devoured. Yogurt melts, graham crackers, puffs and cheerios are still favorites for snack time.
  • Won't clap or wave.
  • Has a fake laugh - Also pulls out the fake cough at times.
  • Loves Itsy-Bitsy Spider and If You're Happy & You Know It
  • Just started talking VERY loudly. Might change our ability to visit places/restaurants!
  • Shakes his head 'No' - The pediatrician thought he was quite the character. When we told her that he doesn't eat noodles, she looked at him and said, "You don't like noodles?!" And he shook his head 'No' three times.
  • After 5pm, I don't exist. He only has eyes for his Daddy! Wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Sunday

Artsplash - Carlsbad

Pumpkin Patch - Del Mar

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

Work has picked up considerably, but Tom was able to break away from the office for a full day yesterday. Tourists are gone... Kids are in school... Weather was warm... Perfect day to hit the zoo!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Uncle Mike's New Camera

Uncle Mike got a new camera - With shots like the ones below, think we'll keep hanging out with him.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Small World

After looking on the internet, I decided to join a playgroup. I had many excuses at first - Cole's too young... His schedule may not match with the times... Getting him there will be a lot of work... But really it came down to me being terrified. How do I find them? How do I know it's them? What if I walk up to the wrong group? If I find them... WHAT DO I SAY?!

I'm shy. Timid. Inhibited. Whatever you want to call it. Extremely awkward when I meet new people - Extremely awkward when I KNOW people. Five years into working with the same people, I turned red every time I had to say something at our Monday morning meeting. If we had to introduce ourselves to a guest attendee, I would practice it in my head before my turn came. Yes, practice my name. All my coworkers knew this and would turn to see my face/ears/neck turn red. The attention made it worse.

If I'm seeing someone I haven't seen in awhile, I think of questions before I see them - The minute I arrive, I blank. I'll either stay quiet or ramble due to nerves. No happy medium here! Small talk is definitely NOT a specialty. I just don't know how. Probably because growing-up my mom did all the talking for my dad and me :)

Boredom finally got the best of me. I couldn't call Tom or my mom every single day to chat, vent or just to hear something other than baby babble. I needed to find other stay-at-home-moms so I started typing/clicking away.

My second event was yesterday. It took a lot to get out of the house and even more to get out of the car. I took a deep breath and walked over to the sand. I was shy. I turned red. I rambled. I waited until I eyed someone I could attempt this thing people call 'conversation.'

Erica: So, I heard you say you're from the Midwest...
Lady: Yep, Ohio.
Erica (Thinking - Goodness, that's horrible!): I grew up in Illinois and went to college in Iowa.
Lady: Oh! I went to Northwestern.
E: Really? I grew up in Batavia. You probably haven't heard of it...
L: No way! My in-laws live on Deerpath Road!
E: I know exactly where that is!
L: What year did you graduate high school?
E: 1998.
L: Okay, so, we're WAY older than you. Maybe you graduated with one of my husband's sisters. Maybe Christy?
E: Christy _____?
L: Yes!
E: Shut up, you're Christy's sister-in-law?! We were totally in Student Council together and I have been to your in-laws house!! WEIRD.

Conversation went from there.

Maybe this playgroup and putting myself out there won't be so bad after all...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


*from The Hangover*