Friday, April 29, 2011

Smooth Moves

His father dances like a penguin... Only a matter of time!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

He Shoots! He Scores!

*Thank you, Grandma & Grandpa Lundquist!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Seattle - Easter

The Easter Bunny is amazing - He found us at our hotel! After a quick hunt for eggs, we had a lovely brunch at Mike's brother's house. Sad how quickly our time in Seattle went and so very thankful for the Meyer family's hospitality. Hope we can visit again soon so we can see and do more!!

Monday - Easter Bunny made a special trip to visit Cole!

Pure Joy.

Seattle - Downtown

Our final full day in Seattle was incredibly busy - First stop, Space Needle!

Second stop, Pike Place Market!

I LOVED it. If I lived in Seattle, I'd be there every day getting fresh fish, fruit and flowers!

Grosser than gross - Market Theater Gum Wall

Wherever there's a Hard Rock, I buy a shot glass and take a picture. Fortunately it was a short walk from where we ate lunch... Few extra minutes for the little guy to take a break too!

Final stop, Safeco Field!

Becky & Brad joined us!

We discovered Cole LOVES red grapes - Thank goodness for Grandma Karen! Without her bag of tricks, he wouldn't have been such a trooper the entire trip.

Seattle - Leavenworth

On Friday we drove to Leavenworth, a Bavarian Village 100 miles southeast of Everett. It was a scenic drive through the mountains and we couldn't believe our luck - SNOW! We had to stop so Cole and Ella (Mike's niece) could play.

First time seeing snow!

He pushes our heads together so we kiss :)

Leavenworth - Lunch and shopping!

Heading back to Everett - We stopped at a dam/fish counting facility to stretch our legs. Such a neat sight to see!

*Look in my sunglasses... See what it takes for him to look towards the camera?!

Seattle - Deception Pass

After some fun in the tulip fields, we drove to Deception Pass - We enjoyed the gorgeous view for a couple minutes and then made our way to the ferry. Dinner and relaxing with the rest of the Meyer crew was on the agenda. Perfect ending to a fabulous first day!

Seattle - Tulip Festival

We arrived in Seattle Thursday morning and couldn't believe our luck - The weather was beautiful! We made a quick stop at Melissa's house (Uncle Mike's sister) and off we went to see the tulips. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting - Maybe take a picture or two and be on our way? Not the case - They were spectacular. So many different colors and row after row... I was a bit concerned with how Godzilla would be, but luckily he barely noticed the flowers. Puddles kind of stole the show! We tried to keep him out of them at first, but soon realized we should just let him have some fun. What's a little, okay, A LOT of mud? Thank goodness Grandma Karen came prepared with towels and garbage bags because when it was time to go we had to strip him in the parking lot!

Ready to go in his new boots from Grandma Karen & Melissa!

Doing his fake fall...