Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

OB Festival

38 Weeks

From the bump.com:

Your baby's the size of a pumpkin!
Baby is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds.

June 20th appointment: Ultrasound revealed we are up to 8lbs 14oz and only 1cm dilated. I have to be 3cm or exactly 39 weeks to induce, so appointment set for Monday!

June 23rd

June 25th appointment: No change... Still about 1cm. Was given three options: Wait it out, be induced Wednesday at midnight (exactly 39 weeks), or be induced Sunday, July 1st. (These are the two days the hospital has open or is willing to do inductions). Wednesday is a concern because I would need additional medication, probably deliver Friday and be released Sunday - Not wanting to be away from Cole that long, I chose Sunday the 1st. Gives me a bit more time to dilate (hopefully only needing pitocin at that point) and Dr. VDH is on call the 2nd and 3rd. Who knows.. Baby could decide to come tomorrow but this way I am guaranteed not to go past the 5th and have an extra, extra large bambino - Just an extra large one!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

A beautiful day in Coronado!

37.5 weeks

Returning the dead needle to its rightful owner

After the playground we went to the other side of Coronado for ice cream - Someone saw the water and just HAD to go in!

He has no fear... Swimming lessons are on the horizon!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

San Luis Obispo

After Colin was picked up, we hit the road for San Luis Obispo. Tom had a meeting and we figured it would be best if we tagged along in case I went into labor. Pretty sure he wishes we stayed back in San Diego!

Five blocks from the house, I realized I didn't pack our toothbrushes. We turned around and Tom ran in to get them.

Round Two: We made it to the highway and were close to La Jolla when we started talking about the hotel pool. My mind - 'Hotel pool... Cole's swim trunks... Wait, we put his suitcase in the car, right?! Stupid pregnancy brain... He is going to kill me!' Thank goodness he's a patient man. We turned around and back home we went.

Round Three: Cole fortunately fell asleep at this point and didn't wake up until we hit L.A. traffic. TONS of construction, so bulldozers and rollers kept him entertained along with planes, buildings and billboards (each time he saw a Coors Light sign he'd yell, "Icky beer!" Nice, Tom...). Around Ventura we gave him the iPad. Thirty minutes later he said, "All done, mama" and handed it to me in the front. We couldn't believe it but not even two seconds later he was puking everywhere. Cruising down the highway + Ginormous belly keeping me from hopping in the back = Disaster. We pulled off the highway and stripped him down in front of a car dealership. Snacks? Too hot? Looking at the iPad? Merely car sick? Whatever the case, Tom's two co-pilots made the five hour trip, a seven hour trip.

Monday morning I dropped Tom off at the Rick office and we went back to the hotel for cartoons/breakfast and pool time. We checked out at 11am, explored two parks and it was 5pm before we knew it. Back to Rick Eng and back on the road to San Diego - Quick trip, but memories to last a lifetime!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Double Trouble

News Bulletin: Tom & Erica had two kids for 24-hours and survived!

Colin's mom and dad had a wedding up in Malibu and we were more than happy to keep him busy while they enjoyed an evening away. Cole was awake when 'Baby Olin' arrived and he quickly went into big brother/host mode. He amazed us with how gentle he was without having to be told - Rolling the ball to him... Pushing cars towards him... And not one moment of rough-and-tumble play. It was sweet to see.

Mid-morning snacks!

Not sure what will happen when we can't give one back, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there...

Friday, June 8, 2012

36 Weeks

From thebump.com:

Your baby's the size of a honeydew!
She's still in the 17.2- to 18.7-inch and 4.2- to 5.8-pound range and continues to beef up.

Four to five pounds - That's funny... Had an ultrasound on Wednesday and he or she is apparently already in the seven pound range (7lbs 3oz to be exact). 98th percentile for the noggin... 20th percentile for the body. Awesome. My children clearly don't like me. We go in for another one on the 20th to double check fat baby's measurements and decide whether or not we want to induce!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aunt Christine

Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives. ~ Author Unknown

Christine Marie Maday McGinn
December 20, 1960 - June 4, 2012

It's extremely difficult for me that this pregnancy kept me from flying to be by her side and that I will miss her memorial service. Even harder that she passed before she could meet the newest addition to our family.

My cherished memories will never fade and I'll be sure to tell Cole and his little brother or sister all about them.

Friday, June 1, 2012


Lately I've been thinking about how lucky I am to have such a good, kind-hearted kid. Sure, he may have a bit of energy at times but I see other toddlers at the playground and am so thankful he's mine. He never hits, touches other kids' things in the sandbox without permission or retaliates when toys are ripped out of his hands. He says, "Bless you, Mama" when I sneeze or cough. He says, "Thank you" and "No thanks" without any prompting. He covers me with blankets when I'm on the couch, kisses my belly and gives the best hugs. The other night he took a napkin out of my hand and gently wiped my face - He did it so quickly, Tom didn't even get a chance to tell me I had a bit of salsa on my cheek.

And goodness, does he make us smile.

*Every statue or painting of a person is a tiki.
*When he's eating something he loves, "Mmmm, yummy!" is repeated several times between each bite.
*He grabs our hands and puts them on his tummy for tickles.
*When it's time for Hide-n-Seek he'll say, "A boo" and show you where to hide.
*He'll say things like, "Puzzle IPad, otay" or "Pretzel, otay" clearly hoping we think it's a fabulous idea too.
*He used to count 'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, five, six, seven, eight, nine, six.' We worked so hard on 'ten, eleven, twelve' it's now 'one, two, three, four, five, six, eleven, twelve, eleven-teen, eleven-teen, eleven-teen, eighteen, nineteen.'
*When he accidentally spills food or finds a crumb on the floor he'll point and say, "Vacuum that." Ummm, yeah. I'll get on that, Master.
*When he sees people on television break dance or do flips, he'll drop to the floor and roll, thinking he has their moves nailed already.
*At the playground he's so shy he'll dive down a slide or say, "Help, help, help" with his arms stretched through the bars if one is within 10 feet of him. Doesn't matter if they're 10 or 10 months.
*Ambulances, fire trucks, garbage trucks, the moon and Mini Coopers bring him such joy when spotted, you can't help but remember life is about the little things.

Unfortunately, the past week or two he hasn't been sleeping well. He's up for the day between 3-5:45am or coming up with every excuse in the book on why he should be out of his crib at 1am (water, kleenex, blankets, diaper). We thought he'd take a really long nap after the Botanic Gardens, and he was up until 9pm. It's been a struggle, but yet he's been such a joy each day and hasn't had a tantrum in weeks. I'll clearly take lack of sleep over having a lunatic for a child, but something has to change. We're working on a reward system - Special treats for "No climbing, no jumping, no crying." He states the rules before bed-time and knows what's expected, but his poor goldfish brain can't help it sometimes. So far he's earned a sticker, a package of McQueen fruit snacks, and already planned trips to a new playground (Coronado) and crafts at the Botanic Garden. He clearly doesn't need details (or much!).

It's amazing that he is almost 2 1/2. He barely said ten words at the beginning of the year and now he amazes us daily with new words and observations. We talk about his new brother/sister and I know he's going to be a fabulous big brother. If we score with a baby that is half the delight he is, we'll officially be the luckiest parents in the world.