Saturday, January 26, 2013

Crazy Girl

Hayden pulled herself up for the first time on January 18th - Train table, couch, Cole... You name it, she's using it to stand.  She'll last a couple minutes and start screaming hysterically because her legs are shaking or starting to split.  Help her down and she immediately pops back up.  I'm really hoping she gets some endurance soon because this game is exhausting.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Potty Training

I tried several different times to potty train Cole and it never seemed to work - It always seemed like I was just training myself to take him in the bathroom every 20 minutes. He picked out his own seat... Picked out his big boy underwear... But every time I mentioned it, "No, I wear iapers. I can't like big boy underwear."

The day after California Adventures (Dec 5th), he started telling me he had to go. "Hurry, Mama! I go potty! Quickly, quickly!" and he'd race to the bathroom. He did awesome for a week and then it fizzled. I'm sure a lot of it was my fault - I kept him in diapers because I assumed he'd treat them like pull-ups, but also dreaded the laundry and didn't feel like cleaning the carpet/couch all day long. Spit-up patrol is already a full-time job.

Fast forward to January 4th. I waited until Christmas and his birthday were over, so we had no excuses. Put his Thomas underwear on in the morning and by 5pm we had eight accidents. I swear, I'd put a new pair on and not even 5 minutes later he'd need a new one. I put him in a diaper at 5:30pm, handed him over to Tom and went to a wine bar with Aunt Traci.

The following morning I took him to Target. Let him pick out another set (McQueen and Buzz, of course!) and got a 3-pack of plain white ones. When we got home I told him if he had an accident, he'd have to wear the 'baby' ones. Within 5 minutes, they had to go on. He flipped. Not even 10 minutes later he told me had to go. First time in a really long time! We ran and he did great. Because he didn't have an accident, he was rewarded with Thomas ones.

I told him if he pooped in them, they were going in the trash. I told him if he pooped in the potty, Daddy would take him for a milkshake. That evening he went and Tom immediately walked him (in the rain!) to get one.

Two weeks later, not ONE accident. We can run errands, go to the playground... And he always gives me enough time to find a bathroom.

The process was way easier than I thought it would be - I'm sure it's because I waited so long he's practically a teenager, but his love of Thomas, McQueen and Buzz helped. Seriously, who knew 10 minutes of wearing plain white underwear would be the answer!?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Joy Journal

We met Aunt Sarah and Emerson for a playdate last week and she was telling me about an article she read where parents periodically ask their children the question "What makes you happy?" and jot down their answers in a Joy Journal. I called Cole over from the slide and asked him. His response - "Hayden."

All the things I imagined he'd say... He certainly knows how to melt his mother's heart.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hayden - Six Months

We started the month off with some new foods - Rice cereal, sweet potatoes, peas, bananas and applesauce. We were thrilled with how excited she was for each one and how much she was eating. Not so thrilled with the fact her spit-up was now different colors, but whatever. Our carpet would survive and chubby thighs were on the horizon. Hayden's 6 month check-up today pretty much popped that balloon.

Weight: 13lbs 14oz (9%)
Length: 26in (45%)
Head: 46cm (99%)

The nurse measured her head twice. Twice! The doctor came in and didn't believe the results and measured it a third time. It's huge, people! Just accept it! Our little bobblehead was put on a special diet due to the 9% - Extra 1/2 scoop of formula in her bottles and foods with protein (Stage 2 - chicken & noodles, turkey & rice, etc). I thought she was too young for this, but will do whatever the doctor says to get her where she needs to be.

Developmentally, she's a rockstar.

1st tooth - Christmas Eve
1st time army crawling - Christmas Eve
2nd tooth - New Years Eve
Sitting (for long periods of time) - January 3rd

Weight check on February 18th, so fingers crossed for better results!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

We started the evening off at dinner with the Wright family and rang in the New Year (with Chicago!) at our place - Party hats, leis, noisemakers and my three loves. Here's to a great 2013!