Tuesday, February 26, 2013


We have lived here 10 years and it's 2 miles from us, yet we've never been - Yesterday the kids and I got to go and enjoy the day for $6. We got to see fish, turtles, penguins, and polar bears and watch two shows. One had a killer whale calf born on Valentine's Day!

So grateful to Jack and Finn for inviting us on their preschool field trip - We had a great time and learned a lot too!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Legoland - Take Two

Tom was off for President's Day, so after our appointment we continued up to Carlsbad!

Hayden - Seven Months

Yesterday was Hayden's weight check - She is up to 14lbs 9oz, but dropped to the 6th percentile. Since she's eating well, spitting up a bit less and crazy active, Dr Roberts is just going to consider her petite. Weight checks are officially over! For now.

She's able to drop to the floor from the standing position and is amazing when we're out and about.  She has been holding her bottle for months so it's easy to just put her in her seat, pop one in her mouth and get errands accomplished.  If she falls asleep, even better.  Hikes, festivals and parks keep her entertained for hours. When we're home, she's a tad difficult.  She loves to follow Cole around and climb all over him. Whatever he's doing, she must be near him - Awesome, if we didn't have to be in the room too.  Minute I try to wash dishes, she's hanging on the gate sobbing.  Restroom?  She's banging her head against the door and screaming.  If I get her to sleep and she hears a peep, she's up.  The girl doesn't want to miss a thing! 

Thank goodness for pacifiers - She's hooked and they are all around the house.  Minute she has a fit, the three of us run to find where she dropped one.  She may enter Kindergarten with one in her mouth... We can only hope the mommy-daddy phase will end soon and she'll realize babies are supposed to nap.

At the end of the day, can't get too frustrated when she looks at you with those big blue eyes and crinkles that little nose!

Right after Hayden, Cole had his 3 year visit.  He wasn't scared, chatted with the nurse/doctor and was game to take the hearing test.  Best of all, no tears when he got his flu shot!

Weight: 32lbs 6.4oz (52.84%)
Height: 3'2" (54.67%)

Like his sister, he's no longer fond of naps.  If I can get him to watch a movie on the floor of his room (a.k.a trick him into falling asleep) every other day, we're golden.  He's a great listener and extremely polite.  If we go two days without one, watch out!  The tantrums are worse than before because he thinks he can reason or call the shots.  Not going to happen, little man. 

As far as big brothers go, he is the best.  I love when I can hear him explaining things to her... When I hear him looking out, "This is my toy. You get hurt. I get you soft one." Or when he gives her hugs and says, "Ohhhh, I love this baby."  She pulls his hair and constantly has her hands in his eyes and nose.  He laughs, gently tells her no and never pushes her off or retaliates.  I know that will change down the road, but am very grateful he understands that she's small and different rules apply. 

When asked to clean up his toys - "Let's do teamwork!"
Wiggling Hayden's toes - "This piggy beef... This piggy beef... This piggy beef."
When I told Hayden to say sorry - "She not a talking baby."
Knows the words to 'Three Little Birds' (Bob Marley) and loves to rock out to 'Call Me Maybe' and 'Moves Like Jagger'

He's awesome.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Torrey Pines

Swimming lesson, playground and hike... All by 12pm.
Life is good.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Going Places

January 6th

February 15th

Happy Valentine's Day!

Both kids were drippy and under the weather, but that didn't stop Cole from wanting to have a Valentine's Day party. I asked him what he wanted to buy Daddy and he said, "A BIG balloon." And Hayden? "A small balloon because she a baby." I asked him if he had any money and he said, "No, I no have no pockets." Apparently that's all one needs, and he was right - He was wearing sweatpants. I told him I'd cover for him and we went to the store. He immediately picked out a big balloon - I asked if that's what he wanted to get Daddy and he said, "No, it for me." Okay... Didn't realize I was fronting him money for gifts for himself, but I let it slide. He picked out two more balloons and we went home to paint a picture for Daddy and set up. When Tom came home he yelled, "Surprise!" (??) and the party started - Pizza, presents and Twister. Tom thought he'd enjoy it and he most certainly did - "Oh, it like himnastics!" Right Foot/Yellow. "No, I do blue first."

Besides the runny noses, Hayden's 1st Valentine's Day was a success. I have a feeling we'll be having more pizza parties in the future...


Sunday, February 10, 2013

So Much to Say!

Mount Laguna

Amazing weather at Petco Park yesterday, and a one hour drive to winter wonderland today - Why we love San Diego!

We couldn't wait to see Hayden's reaction but she decided the road trip was ridiculous and slept the entire time. Cole joined her on the ride home...