Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Ocean Beach Egg Hunt

First up, swim lessons.
Only time she will allow me to put anything in her hair!

OB Egg Hunt: Our favorite!
We pulled up just as Hayden's group started.

We ran but missed most of it - We let her go again with the next group... MUCH happier with her results!

5 & 6 year olds

Dude was on a mission!

He probably would've cleared the field but I yelled, "Bubby, you got enough! Give the other kids a chance!" and he came running back, totally fine. Love his sweet heart.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Alga Norte Community Park

We love meeting Wyatt and Kendall here!

Long day of fun calls for crowns and french fries.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Wild Child

The hairdresser had some fun with gel today!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pre-K Ranger: Protecting Ecosystems

Last day of school - They took a field trip around Glorietta Bay and learned about recycling and littering.

Monkey and I spent the morning expanding our knowledge of cupcakes.

After school we went to UTC for an egg hunt.

I said I'd never go back to this one, but I'm a sucker for new activities to break up our week and figured I'd give it another shot. Bad idea - The parents are still clueless. The 0-2 age bracket left several toddlers crying and babies with overflowing bags. Does your 3 month old really need 25 eggs filled with penny candy and stickers? Do you not see the little ones around you with empty baskets?

Fortunately Hayden was able to get two eggs - She was a bit disappointed but the treat bag saved the day!

This speedster got sixteen in his age bracket.

We decided to say goodbye to the crazies and head to the UTC mall.

At least all the fun knocked one of them out!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fashion Icon

The shoes and the purse are a nice touch, no?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Wanna Build a Snowman?

If you close the bathroom door in our home, Anna (Frozen) will serenade you.

Wish I caught the beginning when she mumbled into the doorknob!

For those of you not familiar: