Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to the World, Cole!

Cole Anderson arrived on Sunday, December 27th. The "little" baby our doctor kept promising and had us worrying about, was 9lbs 1oz and 21 inches long.

The day started when I woke up at 3am with cramps. I wasn't sure if it was contractions, so I waited until I had 5-6 before I woke Tom up at 4am. At this point they were every 20 minutes, so I took a shower to help me relax. Two hours later, they were 3-5 minutes apart, so we hurried up the hill to the hospital. I was in a lot of pain and assumed the baby was coming any minute. Ha! Not so much - I was admitted but told to walk the halls for an hour. I thought they were kidding... We roamed the maternity ward and I was put in a bed at 8:20am. The doctor broke my water at 9:20am and 90 minutes later I kindly (note the word kindly) requested an epidural :) At 1:50pm I was given Pitocin. After the two football games (I just didn't want Tom to miss anything...), I was finally ready at 4:00pm and Cole arrived at 7:47pm.

Around 10:45pm, it was decided Cole would have to stay in the Special Care Nursery due to a fever. The nurses needed to give him antibiotics for 48 hours and ensure everything else was okay - It was a bit of a shock because we assumed he'd be in the room with us and we didn't want to hand him over... All we could do was try and get some rest in between feedings/visits and ignore all the wires/beeps of the machines!

Cole's fever spiked at 3pm on Tuesday, but tests found his white blood cells were doing their job and he could be released Wednesday at 6pm. It was one of the most exciting and terrifying moments of our lives!

Erica+Epidural = BFF

Visits to the Special Care Nursery

How he looks after every meal...

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