Friday, February 5, 2010

Baby Whisperer

I had never held a newborn before, so I purchased a few books to assist me with Cole's arrival. The Baby Whisperer was recommended by another first-time mom and I immediately wanted it the moment I heard her 7-week old was already sleeping through the night. It was a quick read and it basically goes over the EASY method.

Eat, Activity, Sleep, You time

Sounds easy enough, right? Sure! But why is it then that I don't 'sleep when he sleeps?' You people are hilarious.

Eat (We try and extend it so Mt. Vesuvius doesn't hurt himself chugging)

Activity - Playtime, grunting/groaning/flailing arms for a good part of that... always followed by a diaper/costume change :)

Sleep - Cole and I are both supposed to nap at this point. Right, but the almighty Baby Whisperer does not take into consideration that his pacifier keeps popping out and he's still spitting up. I'm supposed to be sleeping?

You Time - He's finally down. A good 40 minutes to prep breakfast, eat, brush teeth, pump, do dishes, make his next bottle, communicate with the outside world, shower...

"WAAAAAAAAAA!" Right... It's 9:30am and he's already hungry. Nine minutes in and I barely have breakfast made. Guess I won't be showering and will continue to rock the spit-up-stained pajama pants! So much for that 3 hours between feedings, oh Wise One.

Rinse. Repeat.

The Baby Whisperer (aka LIAR) is sitting pretty in her mansion in England while all us stupid American moms wonder if she's on crack and have bags under our eyes.

True or False - I'll be clean and wearing jeans by Week 7.
I hope so.

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