Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Officially Not a Padres Fan

Remember the last post when I mentioned how drama-free Cole was at the wineries? And how we got to spend a lovely afternoon with friends?

We thought it would be a fun to take Cole to his first baseball game with Uncle Mike and Aunt Sarah. Uncle Niemi was in town, so we got $5 tickets for last night's game. Everything was great until the 5th inning. Cole started SCREAMING. I took him off to the side... Rocking, food, singing, kisses... Nothing was working and it went on for an eternity until it magically stopped. I took him back to the grassy area and the screaming resumed. We left the game, totally dejected.

When we got to the car, I went to change his diaper and his stomach was rock hard. Ends up Cole may like baseball, but he hates rice cereal! We had stopped putting a teaspoon in his bottle last month, but had been trying small spoonfuls the past couple of evenings and just before we left for the game. Googled "rice cereal allergy" and he had 3 out of the 4 symptoms. Is there anything our little man isn't allergic to?

We're going to try an afternoon game at the end of the month. Mets are in town and we'll hopefully catch all 9-innings! Otherwise, our goal of seeing all the baseball stadiums may be on hold for a bit...

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