Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sneaking in Some Zzzzz's

It is Day 6 of Our-Only-Mission-In-Life-Is-To-Get-Our-Child-To-Nap. Almost a week and he still refuses to nap in his crib... Is terribly exhausted... And obviously can't function with 15 minutes here and there in the car/stroller. Worst part for me? Listening to him cry 3-4 times a day for 45 minutes straight. Do I let him just fall asleep in my arms and possibly risk all we've accomplished at night? That thought is worse than the screams- I take really, really long showers now and do all I can do to busy myself until Tom comes home. I even baked a cake last week! I know, who knew Dr. Ferber would turn me into Martha Stewart!?

Once Tom is home, we try and do everything imaginable to keep him up as late as possible - He wakes each morning between 4:45am-6:30am. If he goes down around 7pm, I'm up for the day at 4:45am. If we can get him in bed around 8:30/9pm, we have a better chance of having him sleep until 6am. Pretty much impossible when he falls asleep playing with his favorite toy!

p.s. If your baby was "ferberized" in 7 days or less... Or if your baby sleeps 10-12 hours at night and loves to take 3-4 naps a day... Please don't tell me.

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