Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eleven Months

In the midst of all the traveling, I forgot to take Cole's 10 month shots - I know, I know... Clearly failing as a mother!! I always keep track of his milestones and a few happened since the 9 month post.
  • Stood for many seconds - 10/27
  • First steps!! - 10/31
  • Says "Whoa!"
  • When I start singing he'll shake his head 'no' until I get to the one he wants to hear - LOVES when I sing La Cucaracha and dance around the room with him in my arms. I have to hold his hand like we're doing the tango to really get him laughing.
  • Based on above, assuming he's tone deaf
  • Started throwing balls overhand
  • He didn't just stick out his arm... He waved to Grandpa Lundquist! - 11/17
  • Still won't clap :)
  • Started sleeping through the night again. Traveling to different time zones was rough, but two days after Florida he was back to sleeping 9:30pm to 7am. I heart schedules!
  • Crawling is still his main mode of transportation - Will walk along the couch and take a step or two towards us but then immediately drops to the ground. He's so fast and out crawls Tom every evening. They go in circles around the couch and if Tom stops, Cole will nudge his feet to let him know he's not done playing.
  • Understanding more and following direction - "Get your ball" or "Go get Dada." Still laughs/smiles when I tell him "No" but he's starting to learn that we don't chew the TV stand or the metal on the safety gates in this house. I know... Pretty strict, huh?
  • The fake laugh is back.
  • Flirts with every female we meet - If they say "hi" and turn back to their cash register or look down to write our order, he'll grunt until he gets their attention again.
  • Does.Not.Stop.Moving.EVER.

Action shot of the drool!

Attempting to escape the photo shoot

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