Thursday, September 1, 2011

Extreme Couponing

Before Cole, I never thought twice about ordering a glass of wine at dinner or buying a cute shirt at the mall. I’m now bringing home 10% of my old salary, so I’ve learned to make the few dollars I make each month stretch. I can buy our groceries, toiletries, and Cole’s food/diapers (AND a glass of wine when I’m out with the girls) thanks to some planning ahead and a little research. It kind of makes me mad that I didn’t know these things before… The money we wasted!!

I watch the show Extreme Couponing on TLC, but I’m not even close to their levels. Who has 60 hours a week to dumpster dive and cut coupons? My amateur tricks:

*Dream Dinners – I go at the end of each month. I get their minimum of 36 servings (12 meals) and we eat chicken, pork, steak and fish for $160-180 a month (after 10% rewards program discount). I found that buying meat from the grocery store and all the ingredients would be more than the $13-16/meal we pay here. There’s no way I have the patience to read a recipe book for meals, buy all the ingredients, prep, cook and clean up – Not to mention, the extra seasonings/ingredients would go bad by the time I get back to them (wasted $). We’re eating a variety of meals each month and I love being able to just throw a meal in the oven 3-times a week.

*I plan my menu for the week based on sales/coupons. Every Monday the 4 major grocery chains’ ads are in our mailbox. I sit with each, compare the sales/prices and make my lists. Two are a few blocks away, so each Wednesday (day sale starts) you’ll see me, Cole and our reusable bags walking there. I will only drive to the other chains if the sale and my coupon are REAL good. Yesterday I got 20 items for $23.39 – Should’ve been $59.41. A savings of 61% is pretty good for me – I’m not really sure how the women on TV walk out paying nothing and I don’t need to get to that level. (Always seems they’re just buying bottled drinks and those weird noodle meals anyway…). I was pretty happy yesterday just scoping the Buy 10 and save $5 items, adding my coupons and walking out knowing that $36.02 will go to something else.

I’ve learned you can use a store coupon with a manufacturer coupon and not to pay over certain amounts for our staples. I’ve learned to go to Target for our noodles, Cole’s mac-n-cheese, canned veggies and frozen items. I’ve learned to save my laundry detergent, deodorant, paper towel and toothpaste coupons for grocery store sales– If you’re not loyal to a brand, you’ll never spend more than $1 on deodorant or toothpaste again. Big brand names, not generic – All this planning every Monday is dorky, yes, but it works.

*Diapers are expensive, but can easily be reasonable if you plan ahead. Never buy at a grocery store or a convenience store - Every other month (roughly) Target offers buy 2-boxes of diapers; get a $10 gift card. Knowing this, I save my Target and manufacturer coupons. I have:

* Target Coupon - $2 off with purchase of both Pampers diapers/wipes
*Target Coupon - $2 off with purchase of both Pampers diapers/wipes
*Manufacturer Coupon - $1.50 off one pampers box
*Manufacturer Coupon - $1.50 off one pampers box
*Manufacturer Coupon - $.60 off one pampers wipes
*Manufacturer Coupon - $.60 off one pampers wipes

(I can use two of each because I’m buying two sets)

There is no size requirement to the Target deal or coupons, so I’m buying two smaller boxes of diapers ($40) and two wipes ($5). I will walk out of there ‘paying’ - $27.

*Amazon has the cheapest diapers –Get an even better deal if you set a delivery time each month (free shipping) through Amazon Mom. You set the schedule and can change the diaper size at any time.

*Parenting – Early Years is a cute magazine and only $5/year. You’ll find an Amazon coupon for 20% off diapers every other month. (Be sure not to get the School Years as well – It’s the same magazine except for 2 or 3 pages). The magazine will pay for itself and you’ll get parenting advice, cute ideas and a deal on diapers.

* Formula/Baby Food – Sign up for coupons at,,, etc. They’ll email them often and you can combine them with sales prices at Babies-R-Us or Target. Your doctor may also offer free samples of your brand of formula.

I do all of this because why give extra money to crazy profitable companies when we can use it for fun adventures or trips?! It’s also in hope this stay at home mom gig can continue forever - I wouldn’t trade my time with Cole for anything, even shopping sprees. I know, I must love the kid!! I’m actually pretty fortunate he arrived when he did. When I walked out of work four days before he arrived, it would’ve happened if I had a ginormous belly or not. My full-time position was over and even if I wanted to go back today not sure there’s a spot at my current company. I can barely get 2 hours of work some weeks! I have always wanted to do this and am so thankful Tom works so hard so I can stay home. All I can do is continue my end of the deal - Clip coupons, watch for deals and keep my fingers crossed work will pop in my inbox each day.

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