Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thomas the Train

Yesterday we drove to Perris to meet Thomas the Train. Cole doesn't watch the show (mainly because the few times I turned it on I wanted to hurt myself), but we knew it didn't matter. Trains have made the top of the list with trucks/cars and he was going to flip out the minute he saw him.

We were right!

Waiting to board

Official Junior Conductor

They have it set-up where you can stand in line to get your photo with Thomas while the next group is boarding. We were told to do it after our ride to beat the afternoon crowds. We waited in line to have it stop two people ahead of us. Of course. There was no way we were going to wait 25 minutes for Thomas to return, so Daddy clicked away!

We weren't as close as we wanted, but it was clearly close enough. He gives the BEST hugs when he's happy.

Inspecting other trains at the museum

Off to the play tent!

Saying good-bye!

All in all, it was a really cute event - Not only did he ride a train for the first time, but he went home with a James tattoo, coloring pages, the scavenger hunt prize (thanks to me running around while he played with trains), and a special souvenir (Lego Thomas) for being so good.

*Tom and I were rewarded for being good (aka dealing with all the Thomas groupies) with a stop at the outlets and Ponte Winery. It's only fair!

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