Friday, August 24, 2012

Sneak Attack

The favorite game in our house right now is 'Hayden, chase you!' Or, as most would say, 'Hayden, chase me!'

Tom merely stands in one place while holding Hayden. Cole runs in circles and Tom will occasionally move towards him yelling "Sneak attack!"

Yeah, HOURS of entertainment.  Even Miss Cries-a-Lot enjoys it!  My favorite part is when they take a moment to catch their breath.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Encinitas Summer Concerts

Friday night concerts are done... And after today our Sunday afternoons will be free. Whatever will we do?!

Oh, that's right... Pig out on appetizers and watch football!

Don't disappoint me, Cutler.

What a Difference a Year Makes

Cole and Avery at last year's Point Loma Library Festival.

The little jeans... His necklace falling off his bum... *sigh*

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Point Loma Library Festival

Cole loved last year's festival so much, we decided to go again!

Jenn & Avery

A clown was painting faces... Knew he wouldn't sit for that so we went with an arm tattoo. His request? A red M&M.

All he kept saying, "It have no eyes." Sorry, bud. Didn't realize it had to be EXACTLY like last week's one from the races.

After dinner we walked for ice cream.

Yeah, he was just a tad happy.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

"It likes you!"

Translation: "She likes me!"

He still doesn't want to hold her but we'll definitely take moments like these.

Hillcrest Fest

It's hot in San Diego, even hotter in our apartment. We thought we'd beat the heat today by walking to the festival nearby and it was a big mistake. HOT. Thank goodness for shaved ice and free Slurpees at the 7-11 truck!

Stickers at the kid tent

Cole's 1st amusement park ride

Kidding, mom! You can pick yourself off the floor now...


When we found out Sarah's parents were going to be here this week we knew it would be the perfect time to have their baby shower. The happy parents-to-be thought they were picking us up for a concert downtown...


A certain someone eyed the dessert table the entire evening...

Grandma Sue and Hayden

November better hurry up and get here... We can't wait to meet her!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Final Show

Nothing like a Neil Diamond cover band and bubbles to end the season!

Point Loma Summer Concerts

Beach Day

Tom took a much-needed break from work yesterday giving me a much-needed long weekend of help. Cole wanted to make sandcastles at the beach - It had been awhile, so we couldn't say no.

Perfect weather for Hayden's first time - Thank you to the Eddie Bauer sling for making this smile possible!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hayden - One Month

All went well at Hayden's appointment. Dr. Roberts doesn't feel her umbilical hernia is causing her pain or the reason for all the tears. Acid reflux is most likely the culprit. We were given three additional formulas to try and he prescribed her Zantac. Hopefully we'll find the magic combination - It's terrifying watching my milk or formula shoot out her nose and the screaming makes the days long. I just do all I can until my sidekick arrives home at the end of the day!

Weight - 9lbs 8.5oz (55%)
Height - 21in (41%)
Head - 40.5cm (98% - My side of the family is to blame once again)

Likes: sleeping on her belly, spitting up, disrupting the neighbors, the sling
Dislikes: being awake, food, her car seat/car rides

Good thing she's so cute!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Busy Bees

Thursday was the first time I ventured out with the kiddos without Tom. It was merely a walk to the library so Cole could pick out some DVDs and play with the Lego trains, but I was proud. Pretty sad, no? Fortunately we keep pretty busy on the weekends and this past one was especially packed with fun.

Friday Evening - Point Loma Concert w/ Avery

Saturday Morning - Tom's Company Picnic

Saturday Evening - Padres vs. Mets w/ Uncle Mike & Aunt Sarah

Sunday Afternoon - Encinitas Concert w/ Avery

Summers in San Diego are fabulous.