Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hayden - One Month

All went well at Hayden's appointment. Dr. Roberts doesn't feel her umbilical hernia is causing her pain or the reason for all the tears. Acid reflux is most likely the culprit. We were given three additional formulas to try and he prescribed her Zantac. Hopefully we'll find the magic combination - It's terrifying watching my milk or formula shoot out her nose and the screaming makes the days long. I just do all I can until my sidekick arrives home at the end of the day!

Weight - 9lbs 8.5oz (55%)
Height - 21in (41%)
Head - 40.5cm (98% - My side of the family is to blame once again)

Likes: sleeping on her belly, spitting up, disrupting the neighbors, the sling
Dislikes: being awake, food, her car seat/car rides

Good thing she's so cute!

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