Sunday, September 30, 2012

Touch a Truck

Last year's Touch a Truck was in a high school parking lot - This year it was held at Qualcomm Stadium!  Max's parents are amazing -  Such a fabulous idea to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer.

When Cole is a teenager, please tell him about the time it was 900 degrees and we spent four hours walking around this event because he was so happy - Maybe then he'll come out of his room and join us for dinner.



Sitting in a garbage truck

Sitting in a garbage truck - 2011

I'm going to freeze him before the 2013 fundraiser because I'm not sure I can handle his knees reaching the edge of the seat! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Inflatable World

Couldn't resist going one more time before the season ends and it becomes a pumpkin patch!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


It's official.  Prevacid is the most incredible medication EVER.  Took a few days (which had us a tad scared we were doomed for another couple months!) but we finally had a breakthrough on Sunday.  Rather than our usual eat/cry for 2-3 hours/sleep routine, Hayden was content watching football (girl may be obsessed) and playing on her activity mat.  We just played and played, doing our best goofy faces/noises to make her giggle.  Never thought we'd see the day! 

"It screaming." 
"It mad."
"It crying again." 

Pretty much all Cole had to say about his little sis. 

Now that she's out of the sling and smiling, he can't get enough. 

"Hold Hayden hand?"
"Hole sit by Hayden?"
"Hole give it a bath?"

Of course, little man.  Go for it!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hayden - Two Months

The last six weeks have been rough.  Real rough.  It was great having help in Illinois/Wisconsin but then it was back to reality.  Fortunately, Hayden's two month appointment was today and it went well.  "Well" meaning she screamed the entire time so Dr. Roberts could see Zantac just isn't cutting it.  She got a prescription for Prevacid and four shots, Cole got the lollipop.  How it works in our house!

Weight - 10lbs 2oz (22%)
Height - 22in (24.8%)
Head - 41.9cm (96.68% - went down!)

Since she's so tiny, we're to add oatmeal or rice to her bottles and come back in a month for a weight check.  Poor thing can't catch a break.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

U.S. Cellular Field

Tom and I hope to hit every baseball stadium together - U.S. Cellular put us at fifteen. We'll have to go back to three due to new stadiums (NYC and Minneapolis) but we don't mind!

I ate grande nachos to get them that helmet - What I do for my kids!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Labor Day

Managed a few more fun moments while we were in town:



Yet another amazing trip!  If only we had time to do and see more...