Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hayden - Nine Months

Hayden is constantly moving and has no fear - She may be bungee jumping by 9.  All about the drama and nosy... We have our hands full. 

Two weeks ago we were at Avery's house and Hayden was playing on the floor near me - Looked away for two seconds, and she was gone. Found her on the fifth stair - No idea she knew how to climb steps!

Two days ago she started walking behind Cole's toys.  She will be running in no time.

Weight: 15lbs 15.5oz (9%)
Length: 27.5in (44%)
Head: 47.3cm (100%)
Teeth: 4
Likes: Puffs, graham crackers, gouging Cole's eyes out, Itsy Bitsy Spider (solves EVERYTHING), pacifiers, Cole's cars and trucks, splashing in the bath, playing in the sand, pitching a fit if things don't go her way
Dislikes: Napping, sleeping through the night, laying still for diaper changes

This month's photo shoot took two takes (helpers were necessary).


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