Monday, May 13, 2013


Mother's Day started off a tad crazy - A few months ago our landlord had additional carbon monoxide/smoke detectors installed.  We could hear our neighbor's so we went down to ensure they were okay.  No one answered the door and their cars were gone, but we immediately thought of Milo, their new puppy.  I was going to bust down the door, but decided a phone call to their cell phone would be more appropriate (luckily they were close and their door survived).  We watched him while their levels were checked and since they were high, the firemen checked our place as well.  A fire truck parked out front... Playtime with an adorable puppy... Three firemen in his home... A badge sticker... Pretty sure Cole had one heck of a morning!

We are just very thankful we were home, Milo is okay and the culprit (their stove) has been replaced!

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