Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hayden - Eleven Months

Same story, different month - So sweet and snugly one minute and crazy the next! 

Hayden is Cole's biggest fan.  She gets upset if he's crying and tries to console him. He has a construction toy that has music buttons. He likes to push them and walk in circles pumping his fists. She has recently picked up this 'dance' move much to my delight. After we put him to bed, she runs to the hallway door, pushes it open and goes to their room.  If she knows you're on to her, she'll break into a sprint.  Some nights we have to get up and chase her 20-30 times.  Putting a gate there will be a pain, but will hopefully make evenings more enjoyable. 

Firsts: Clapping, High-5, Da-Da (May 21st)
Likes:  Standing on the train table, playing hide-n-seek, swiping Cole's toys/snacks/sippy cup and running away with a smile, clapping, driving us bonkers, bananas, looking disheveled, eating sand, going outside/exploring (never cries), high-5's, spinning in circles, pacifiers, picking her nose, waving clothes/putting them on her head, playing Peek-a-Boo
Dislikes:  The word "No", wearing barrettes, our house

When she's upset, she loves to let everyone know - My favorite is when she'll sit and slowly lower her head to show her pain. Trouble is she does it on carpet AND cement (hence the bruise on her forehead).

She's feisty, but we wouldn't change her personality for the world (remind me I said this when she's 13).  She's bright, fun and keeps us laughing!

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