Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deep Thoughts by Cole Anderson

I have always loved 3 and 4 year olds. I think they say the funniest things. Now that I'm a parent, I realize that these moments of humor keep you from going insane. "Why?" is asked approximately 900 times in our home. "I don't know" is not an acceptable answer and making something up will only put you deeper in the 'Why?' hole. Swimming with sharks is more appealing than dealing with an over-tired, tantrum-prone 3 1/2 year old. Humor and hugs make me leave it all behind - If only I carried a pen and paper wherever I go...

Cole: What is Doc's name?
Me: Doc Hudson. What is your name?
Cole: Cole
Me: What is your whole name?
Cole: Cole Anetti
Me: Do you know Mommy's name?
Cole: Mama Anetti!
Me: Right... But do you know my real name? What does Daddy call me?
Cole: Mustache!

We go to the hostpital and get a new baby? A boy baby. One that doesn't cry so much so I can hear my shows's.

Why Daddy's car don't have a door for kids?

We had a baby monster named Zoey living in our home. Totally cute until I had to dress her, feed her and put on her shoes before we left. As if I don't have enough to do before we leave the house! Apparently we left her at the playground one afternoon and Tom was to swing by and get her before he came home. He walked in and Cole told him he brought the wrong monster home. Seriously?! Never heard about Zoey again but 'Baby Dinosaur' was born soon after. He goes everywhere with us but fortunately knows how to dress himself.

Cole: Why do you have furry buttons, Daddy?
Tom: They're called nipples, Bud.

Cole overheard us referring to Hayden's dirty diaper contents as 'nuggets' one day and the name stuck. Nothing like hearing your child say, "I have to go chicken nuggets!" My favorite: I have to go potty again. This chicken nugget is ANGRY.

At the playground:
Me: Cole, there's a buddy coming.
Cole: Oooh... I like her mama.
Me: (snort) Yeah, that's a pretty tight top and some short shorts. Glittery hat seems to be a bit much for a Monday morning though, don't you think?

From our buddy Avery:
Jen mentioned they started playing board games. Avery piped in, "I love Chutes & Whores!" Jen's eyes bugged out of her head and I did all I could to contain myself.

Three year olds are awesome.

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