Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trunk or Treat

All month long Cole has been asking, "It Halloween yet?" It was so fun being able to finally tell him we could decorate pumpkins and do some trick-or-treating. Getting to the festival was a bit of a disaster - Hayden refused to wear her costume and Cole fell asleep on the way there. Fortunately he rallied and a lollipop and a DJ distracted Hayden enough to snap it in place. After we danced and got some pictures, we were on our way!

Tantrum #1 of 3:

She doesn't cry... She gently lowers herself to the ground and just lays there. Adorable, hilarious and a tad embarassing! She kept going up to people with candy and just opening her mouth. When we'd take it out of their hand and drop it in her bucket, she'd flip - Tomorrow should be interesting!

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