Sunday, December 14, 2014

It's Always Something

Morning after we put up tree...
Hayden: Why Santa not come?!

Hayden: I need a snack.
Me: What do you want?
Hayden: Take me to Traci's for chocolate cookies with sprinklers.
Me: Not happening, princess.

Cole: Hayden, can you please stop talking about Bubble Guppies and talk about something else?
Hayden: No, thank you!

Playing Legos...
Tom: Hayden, why doesn't that guy have a head?
Hayden: Because he had a long day.

Cole: Look at all those bug buddies! They must be having a birthday party.

Cole: I want to be a Slurpee man when I grow up. And when they give me the Slurpees, I am going to drink them!
Me: You mean when you scan them?
Cole: Yep!

Concerns about the new baby...

Hayden: I don't want baby to step on Big Baby (her doll). I will hold Big Baby's hand so she don't be scared.

Cole: So, how do babies get in stomachs anyway?
Tom: What do you think about being a monster truck driver?

Hayden: We having two babies? One for Hayden and one for Cole?
Me: Ummmm, NO.

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