Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sutton - One Month

Not too sure how we got here already - Time is flying.

Sutton is a fussy one, but she doesn't spit up. Sure, I'd love it if when her eyes were open she was calm and quiet, but the fact I don't have to pack 19 extra bibs and shirts in the diaper bag or constantly clean the couch, floors and everything else in a 3 foot radius? I feel like I have an easy baby for once.

Weight: 9lbs 9.5oz
Length: 21.5in
Head: 94 percentile (of course)

Likes: Sleeping, being outside, proving nothing can wake her, girl talk at 3am, letting everyone in San Diego know she's gassy and ticked off.
Dislikes: Sunlight and combs.

How she spends her days:

The 6-7 week mark where we finally get a smile can't come soon enough.

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