At my September 18th appointment, my doctor was very pleased with my weight gain/progress. She wanted me to have a few things checked out, so an additional ultrasound was scheduled. No worries, all is okay - We were thrilled at the chance to catch another glimpse of the baby! Ziggy is now 2lbs 4oz. Absolutely amazing that they could tell AND give us videos of the baby kicking and waving!
My belly at this point:
September 19th - Camping up at San Onofre
We roughed it on the cliffs an hour north of San Diego. Tom and everyone else surfed, while I read and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Sleeping in a tent was fun, but not sure I'll be able doing it again anytime soon... Not sure I could get out of my sleeping bag and off the ground without assistance!
September 18th - "Sugar" Appointment
Think all went well... Doctor said, "No news is good news" and I haven't heard anything yet!