Monday, August 1, 2011

Jensen Family Picnic

Pretty much the main reason we planned our trip at the end of July! I have so many fond memories of going each year and I knew Cole would love it too - He didn't really understand all the games, but he certainly loved running with all the kids and playing in the water!

Cole & Lily


Mike & Jenn battling - Girls won! Was there any doubt?

Grandpa Butch vs. The Kids

After the games, each child gets a ticket. When their number is pulled, they get to go up and pick out a prize. Cole had meandered away from the group and we found him at the toy table moving the wheels of a bus. Grandpa Butch saw him and magically pulled out his number next - And here I thought we'd go up together and I'd have to pick something out, but he already knew - The Boogie Bus it is!

Can't say enough about the Jensen family. Sweetest, nicest people you'll ever meet. We can't wait for next year's picnic!

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