Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Two Weeks

Already!? Time is flying. With Cole, we didn't leave the house for weeks. With Hayden, we were at the playground and Target the day after we were released from the hospital. With a toddler, one can't exactly lounge on the couch!

Hayden was borderline-jaundice at birth and our July 5th appointment to check her color showed she was down to 7lbs 14oz. She tends to spit up a lot, so we were relieved to see 8lbs 7oz on the scale last week (July 11th). Hopefully the number will continue to head in the right direction. Her brother slept in 45 minute intervals, but this one is a sleeper. Two to three hour stretches, even longer at night. Reason for celebration, but since she's following in her brother's footsteps with the puking/spitting up we'll hold off for now!

Cole is starting to realize she's sticking around and is very clear on what should be done with her. If Tom is holding her, "Mama hold it a baby, Dada play basketball." Or "Baby swing, play trucks." He's learning that certain things must wait if she's eating or fussy, and seems to really understand how helpless she is. Yesterday Grandma was in the shower and I was in his room playing Legos with him. He left for a second and came running in - "Mama! Hurry! Come on, come on! Hurry!" I followed him out to the family room and wondered what it was - I assumed an ambulance driving by was the reason for such dramatics but he stopped in front of her swing - She had spit up everywhere. I was so proud of him and couldn't believe he knew to come get me. A lot of hugs, praise and ice cream for dessert!

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