Friday, January 3, 2014

Hayden - 18 Months

Our little Monkey hasn't changed a bit - Sweet and kind one minute, throwing skunk eye the next. She doesn't flinch if she falls and can get up the tough ladders at the playground. Too smart for her own good too - She figured out that if she pulled the bottom drawer out in my parents' bathroom, she could stand on the edge and get on the counter. Tom told her she couldn't count and she looked at him and said, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7." Eighteen months or 5?! Yep, definitely keeping us on our toes!

She is still crying a lot, but now it's about toys. Or blankets. Or shows. She has no patience and has one heck of a temper - We can no longer watch movies on our portable DVD player. She will request a particular movie, watch the first two seconds and scream for request a different one. Put that one in and two seconds later she wants a different one. It's a delightful way to spend an afternoon.

Cole barely said anything at 2 and this one is a little parrot. I think it helps she can communicate what she wants, but it's her way or no way. Fortunately pacifiers are still gold in this house and her dolls are an easy distraction. If she's crying, 'Where's your baby?' will send her on a mad dash to find one. She carries one to five around the house at all times - Feeding them, covering them with blankets, rocking them... If Tom is playing soccer or chasing them, he usually has to carry two so they can take part in the action. It's adorable.

Some teeth were coming in so we had many sleepless nights the past couple of months - I would sometimes be in her room 5-7 times a night just calming her down or finding her pacifier. The nights she slept great, Cole needed to use the bathroom. Twice. Just before we left for Chicago, she started sleeping well. The fifth day in Batavia she figured out how to climb out of the pack-n-play. Our first morning back in San Diego I heard the pitter patter of little feet at 5:30am and nearly died. We give her several chances to stay in her crib, but most naps/nights we have to put her in her car seat - Thank goodness she's so petite and still in the infant carrier! Once she is down, I take her out and lay her down in the crib. Minute she opens her eyes though, she's out again. Quiet little booger too - 2:30am... 5:45am... The bags under my eyes are extremely attractive - I can barely function or form sentences. Pretty much running on empty.

Weight: 21lbs 4oz (30%)
Height: 2' 8" (55%)
She'd still be in 9-12 month onesies if it weren't for her humongous noggin (100%)!

Likes: Belly bongos, Cole's buddy Wyatt (serious crush!), snuggling, Mickey Mouse, dancing, yelling at the TV if Bubble Guppies is not on, coloring, cats and dogs, being outside, stickers, pooping in the tub and our night time routine - She is the sweetest, cutest little thing in her pajamas. Running... Giggling... We'd keep her up if we weren't in desperate need of downtime (and wine!)
Dislikes: Sharing, getting in her car seat, vegetables, being at home, strollers, 8am-10am & 4:45-6:30pm

My favorite things she says:
Cheese........ Smile!
Hey! Get back here!
Beep, Beep! Through!
Bye! Soon!
Tank you!
Yock 'um. (You're welcome)
Cole naughty.
Go. Go. Go. (Handing you her water cup, the remote, her shoes...)
Potty, potty, potty... (All while dancing - She clearly learned it from her big brother who holds it too long!)
Wow, cool
Caillou (Always with a very serious face)
Da Bears, Da Owen, Da Wyatt, Da Puppies, Da Dora (Too much time in Chicago?)

Daddy: Why are you being naughty?
Hayden: Cause.
Daddy: You going to do it again?
Hayden: Yep.

12 year old Hayden will be VERY interesting.

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