Saturday, November 28, 2015


Tonight we had a birthday party for Cole's classmate - It was their first time bowling and they loved it!

Cole: 81 and 55
Hayden: 83 and 52

(Tom and I also bowled but we will not be mentioning those scores...)

Sutton - Six Months

Weight: 14lbs 14oz
Length: 27in
Head: 86 percentile 

Likes: Pulling hair
Dislikes: Sitting up (10 seconds) - She clearly fears the tipping over!

When the doctor told me at her 4 month appointment that she was only the 8th percentile, I wondered why I was still pumping. Stress... Time (8 times a day)... Pain... All the nutrients were clearly going to her hair and not her thighs! I had started to supplement with formula due to lack of supply and I was nervous to tell her doctor at this appointment that I made the full switch last month. He couldn't have been more supportive! She's growing slow and steady (12th percentile now!), happy, and now I get to spend more time with her!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Hayden's 1st Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Peanuts Movie

Most people don't take their six month old to the movies, but we figured we'd give an early morning show a shot - Not a lot of people go that early and she's usually quiet if she's being held.

We grabbed some seats in the last row and crossed our fingers. She slept for 40 minutes and then stood on my lap the rest of the time - She loved it!

Morning Snuggles

Friday, November 20, 2015

Harvest Festival

Cole's class invited everyone to celebrate Thanksgiving before break. They said their poem and then went around the room stating what they're thankful for. The two boys before Cole said, "The baby." Sutton is a huge hit and it was adorable. Cole? He is thankful for his toys.

Afterwards we played!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

So Proud

We knew Cole would love Kindergarten and are so happy he's doing so well.

An excellent Report Card means a special trip to Rita's!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

He's Free!

Half days all week for Parent/Teacher Conferences!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Ariel & Belle

Each year around the holidays a local radio DJ lives in a crane until he receives 100,000 toys for Rady Children's Hospital. They do different events to bring people to the lot and today they had a special Mommy & Me day!

Saturday, November 14, 2015